Sheila Beverly

Profile Updated: June 20, 2022
Residing In: Pfafftown, NC USA
Occupation: Manager Kinesthetic Solutions Writing, LLC Center; Adjunct/Tutor FTCC
Children: Chris 1971- (Owns RossCloud Podcast); Tanya - 1974 (Owns-Ross Performance Musical Studio); Al 1974 (Owns More…Juicy Bird Food Truck)
Yes! Attending Reunion

I was married to my high school sweetheart. We were a Military Family for many years. I have three children along with seven grands, and two great-grands. I went to college at 28 years old. Albany State University, Albany, Georgia- BA English; Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida - hours towards MA in English; A&T State University, Greensboro -hours towards MA; along with courses to teach at the Community College; Appalachian State University - MA Reading Education. Taught at North Forsyth High School - English Teacher, Yearbook Advisor, Senior Advisor- North Forsyth dedicated one of its Yearbooks to Julian Gibson- Book dedication included a Page in the yearbook about his career at North Forsyth and his life as an educator. Pictures from 1972 were included. My job was to present the yearbook. He and his wife attended the celebration, and it was a surprise to him. He had no idea until we called him forward to present the book. What a wild undertaking. I retired in 2016; Prior to that I taught at Parkland High School as an English teacher and Yearbook Advisor; Triad Academy as an English teacher and Yearbook Advisor; Florida State University TA- taught Freshman Composition; Winston-Salem State University - taught Freshman Composition; Forsyth Technical Community College taught Dual Enrollment and English 111; 112; 098; Tutor English & Reading. Manager Kinesthetic Solutions Writing, LLC "Empowering Voice in Print" Writing Instruction from a word to a sentence, to a paragraph, to an essay. Still in the field of writing instruction.

School Story:

English Class, Mrs. Threlfall /
Senior Project: Dramatic Presentation of Lady Macbeth's Sleep Walk.
That same English Teacher was a substitute teacher next to me at Parkland High School about 15 years later. What a reunion in the hallway as we recognized one another. She remembered my name because of the presentation. Just like a great English teacher to remember everything regarding Macbeth.

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Sheila Beverly has a birthday today.
Oct 02, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Sheila Beverly has a birthday today.
Oct 02, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Sheila Beverly has a birthday today.
Oct 02, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Sheila Beverly updated her profile. View.
Jun 20, 2022 at 10:45 AM